Monday, October 10, 2016

Thai Spirit House

In Thailand, little houses which are miniature replica of a Thai-style house or temple are seen in various places. 

The most ubiquitous place where one can see a Thai spirit house includes the garden area of homes and hotels. Thais also place spirit houses in the open spaces of restaurants and busy market places.

The Thai Spirit House at
The Sukhothai Bangkok Hotel

The Thais believe that the spirit house provides a home for the resident spirits in the compound. The resident spirits are believed to play a major role in the fortune and destiny of the inhabitants of the place. With this, Thais ensure that the spirits are not offended by inappropriate neglect or disrespect since such circumstances could lead to bad luck and misfortune for the owner and the residents of the place.

Daily offerings composed of flowers, incense sticks, and food are made by Thais at the spirit house in order to appease the spirits. Furthermore, the location of the spirit house is also important. Thais ensure that the spirit house is placed in a location where the main building’s shadow does not cast upon it. Usually, the spirit houses are placed in the northern, eastern or northeastern part of the compound.

I was informed by Chef Narain of the Mandarin Oriental Cooking School that some people also wish in front of Thai spirit house and once their wish is fulfilled they go back to the Thai spirit house and tie a colourful cloth around the spirit house to express gratitude.

Chef Narain offered flowers at the Thai spirit
house located in the same compound as
 the Oriental Cooking School when we got
 back from our market visit.

It is amazing how the Thais have been continuously placing Thai spirit houses in the compounds where they live and work. It is a tradition passed on to the next generation by the Thai people and until today daily offerings are made to appease the spirits which in return is believed to bring good fortune and luck to the people staying in the place.

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