Friday, April 14, 2017

For Good

In life, we always end up learning new things and learning from others too. Sometimes, we also encounter someone who will help us grow and become a better human being.

I always believe that things happen for a reason. The good and bad experiences we go through life are part of our own character building and one must always remember that whenever things do not happen the way we expect them to be it will be okay since in the end things will work out for good.

I am grateful that the challenges that I have encountered have strengthened me and I am thankful that God brought people into my life that have helped me become stronger, have given me good advise and helped me see things from a better perspective during challenging times.  

Everyday my prayer to God is simple. I just start thanking him for all the big and small blessings that I receive and about to receive in my life. I also ask for him to continue to bless me so that I may also continue to be a blessing to others.

Everything works out for good. One must simply keep on doing what is right no matter what the circumstances are. 

Below is one of my favorite songs from the musical Wicked called "For Good":

Today, I am taking time to say thank you to all those who encouraged me, influenced me in a positive way and made me better for good. Happy Easter!

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