Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Belle de Jour Exhibit in Hong Kong

I appreciate looking at artistic and wonderful photographs that captures certain emotions or conveys a certain message. During my most recent trip to Hong Kong this month, I was able to go to the exhibit dubbed as Belle de Jour which was held at YELLOWKORNER Hollywood Rd and PMQ galleries in Hong Kong.

Belle de Jour in English means "beautiful by day" and may also refer to a a beautiful woman or a beauty of the day. With beautiful women as main focus for the exhibit, YELLOWKORNER and the French Embassy in Hong Kong collaborated and featured interesting photos of women which were captured by famous French photographers.

Below are some of the wonderful photographs that I saw at the exhibit:

Love Me Sweet

This photo by Michel Haddi shows iconic model  Kate Moss
 when she was barely 17 years old. This is one of the best-
selling photos from the Fashion photos being sold by

Sunrise I
by Sime Eskinja

The photographs are displayed on a white brick wall and it makes it easy for customers to visualize them when they are turned into a photo wall at one's home or living space.

The big photo showing 3 women doing handstands  is a
photo taken by Juliette Jourdain entitled
"The Wonders Anne".
Seeing striking photos in black and white with outstanding composition is simply inspiring. I appreciate looking at photo walls. In my own home I have photo walls featuring selected photos taken by well-known photographer Richard Avedon. My brother is artistic and is really good with home interiors that he has curated the photos for my door entrance welcome wall and my bedroom wall.

I feel blessed that I was able to see the Belle de Jour exhibit since it gave me ideas on what are the possible images I can put for my next home in the future. Cheers!

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