Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pleasant Surprises

I believe that part of being happy and living a meaningful life includes sharing what you have to others and connecting to people in a positive way.

The feeling of abundance in our lives becomes greater when we are able to share our blessings to other people.

I love giving and creating pleasant surprises. Recently, I have been doing quite a lot of pleasant surprise visits and  have been giving nice gifts to people  randomly. The nice thing about creating pleasant surprises is the spontaneity that comes with it and the instant joy it brings to people since it is simply unexpected.

The gifts that I give to people vary and these are not really very expensive gifts. It can be a nice gift that I think the person would like, appreciate and may make a person's day a pleasant one.

For the past couple of days, I was able to  do 10 pleasant surprise visits that cheered up more than 25 people since some of the gifts I gave were for a group. This is considering that the past week has been a busy week for me since I am also doing some important work.

I am a pretty creative person so I also think of gifts like goodies that include food like giving a nice cake to a team, giving ice cream to the guy who cleans your car or the  traffic guy around the village or the helpful ladyguard near the grocery that you often go to, giving a good friend fine food, sharing new and yummy desserts or yummy food items that I have discovered to someone, giving a good book to someone, bringing merienda(afternoon snacks) to a  hardworking team, treating someone to a nice lunch, giving pizza or chocolates to people that you often see like the people at the bank that you go to or bringing some yummy food for the  team at your neighborhood coffee shop, etc.

It is priceless to see how people's faces light up and how they end up smiling when you share with them something that can make them pleasantly surprised.

Currently, I am preparing a lovely gift kit with nice stuff for a five-year old girl. She is the daughter of a good friend and she lives in Singapore. I will personally give the gift to her when I visit Singapore next month. I am still waiting for the cute gift box that I  ordered from a gift wrapping shop.

Life is good and we should share our blessings. I simply just want to continue having fun, share my blessings and make people smile.

In our own little way, we can  make this world a better place. It takes very little effort to make people smile. Try giving pleasant surprises too since you will find out that creating happiness by giving also brings you happiness. and sometimes even you will end up having a pleasant surprise too.

Live life to the fullest, share your blessings and enjoy life!

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