Sunday, May 8, 2016

God Blessed Me with Two Mothers

Today is Mother’s Day. I am grateful that God blessed me with two mothers. One was my biological mother who gave birth to me and my brothers and the other is our nanny who brought us up and fulfilled her promise to my biological mother that she would take care of us in case something happens to her.

My mom

I lost my biological mother when I was five years old. It was one of the saddest days of my life. My mom died due to a car accident. I still remember that day that I really wanted to go with her and my dad but she did not bring me and my younger brother in their road trip. She left the two of us with our nanny at home. In a way it was a blessing since my younger brother and I were spared from being included in the car accident.

Even if we lost my mom at a young age, we were blessed with a kindhearted nanny who took care of us and treated us as if we were like her own kids. Since my dad did not remarry and worked to provide for us, our nanny was the one who took care of us. Our nanny has been with us since my older brother was born and she never got married so she really dedicated her life taking care of us and has become part of our family.

Our nanny with my younger brother

Growing up, our nanny would share with me stories about my mom. Through her I also got to know my mom better. She said that like me, my mom also loves to cook and travel too. Our nanny also told me that my mom is smart, generous, kind and thoughtful. My mom also built good relationships with her friends. I still remember how my mom’s closest friends made it a point to visit us and give us Christmas gifts when we were growing up. They only have kind words and praises about my mom and it made me feel so proud of her.

Our nanny did her best to raise us well. We never heard her complain even though she took care of three kids. She is a cheerful, humble, and grounded person. She encouraged us to go to church and pray, to study well, save for our future, share our blessings, keep a positive outlook in life and to always do the right thing.

Looking back, I am grateful that God blessed me with these two phenomenal women who have greatly influenced my life.

I continue to remember and pray for them everyday since both of them are already in heaven.

Here is a wonderful quote on the importance of a mother from Maya Angelou:

“I really saw clearly, and for the first time, why a mother is really important. Not just because she feeds and also loves and cuddles and even mollycoddles a child, but because in an interesting and maybe an eerie and unworldly way, she stands in the gap. She stands between the unknown and the known.” 

  Maya Angelou (from her book: Mom & Me & Mom)

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