Friday, August 29, 2014

Seizing our limitations

I have watched a video of Phil Hansen talking about his inspiring story on how as an artist he went from having "the shake", which was a physical limitation, to "embracing the shake" and making great artworks.

Phil shared how he was able to embrace his own limitations and how this has even help him become more creative. He mentioned that embracing his shake also made him learn more about life skills and made him think out of the box.

Below is the link to Phil Hansen's video"Embrace the shake".

Sometimes we have moments in our lives when we feel stuck or we feel that we are in a rut.  By changing our perspective and attitude we can actually change our situation in life.

It is important for us to love ourselves unconditionally and seize our own limitations. At the same time, we should continue to harness our creativity by thinking of ways on how we can change our lives for the better.

Watching the video made me realize that life can be filled with challenges but it is really up to us on how we will turn these challenges to opportunities that can make us shine. 

I remember during my trip to Bhutan last April, my friend and I met an artist who had cerebral palsy. He created beautiful artworks that he had carved using his feet which he sells to travelers to make a living. You would see that he is happy doing what he does and everytime he sells one of his works his smile and the glow on his face shows fulfillment and purpose.

At some point in time we can experience a dark moment in our lives but what is important is to remind ourselves that we do not have to be perfect to be happy or successful.  We always have a choice to rise above our challenges and keep a positive attitude that would lead to great changes in our lives.

Life goes on so embrace your shake and make a difference!

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