Sunday, August 24, 2014

Useful tips to Go Green and Live Rich

My environmental consciousness was heightened when I joined a global company way back year 2005 and one of my roles included spearheading and handling Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs for the company.

During  that time, I started becoming more eco-conscious and I started reading more books on environmental sustainability. I also started to change my lifestyle in order to have a lower carbon footprint and do my own part in helping save the environment. It changed my perspective on how our simple lifestyle choices everyday as consumers are linked to how we can contribute to saving the environment.

One of the more recent books that I have read is the book entitled "Go Green, Live Rich" by  David Bach. The author is an internationally renowned financial expert and best selling author.

 In the book, the author shared that it is possible to have both a life that is aligned with our green values and save money too.

It is a good book and an easy read that gives readers practical tips on how to go green and live rich. The author cites examples and shares that it is actually possible to go green, save on costs and make a difference.

Bach mentioned that "Our spending choices shape the world we live in" and that how we spend not only determines the quality of our lives - what we eat,  where we live - it also contributes  to the success of the businesses where you shop. Note that shopping green does not have to mean paying premium prices.

Here are some of the useful tips to go green that Bach shared in the book:

  1. Plant trees -  It provides shade at your home and can lower surrounding air temperature at your home.
  2. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  3. Shop green and choose environmentally friendly products and services
  4. Buy in bulk    - By buying in bulk you save on packaging materials and get more savings since usually the larger size product cost less on a per use. A good example is buying a bottle of shampoo instead of using shampoos in sachet packs.
  5. Bring your own reusable bag when shopping
  6. Use recycled paper products
  7. Switch to CFL(Compact Fluorescent) bulbs 
  8. Go green at the office - Switch off the lights and your computer when work is done
  9. Bring your own lunch to work - This helps reduce use of takeout food packaging and is a healthier alternative too.
  10. Do things online - Pay your bills online and read news updates online
  11. Think before your print and use recycled paper
  12. Get outdoors - Do fun activities like hiking, running, biking, swimming, and brisk walking which can also help you get fit
Going green need not be expensive. It is a matter of making some simple choices and considering the impact it can have on the environment and on your budget.

In my own small way, I try to shop green by bringing my own reusable bag and buying my weekly food ingredients like organic fruits, vegetables and plants at a local market every Saturday and since it is so close to my home I don't need to use a car.

It is definitely a win-win situation since I get to exercise by walking to and from the market, cut my carbon footprint and get healthy organically grown produce too. Plus, my action also contributes to environmental sustainability since buying local produce equates to lower carbon emissions in sourcing goods and helps grow local businesses.

Remember we have a choice to make this world a better place to live in and each of us can contribute in our own small way by the choices that we make and actions we take.

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